
Veien videre i Egypt?

Jeg kom over dette åpne brevet til folket i Egypt fra bahaisamfunnet der. De har ikke tidligere hatt rettigheter til kunne uttrykke seg fritt. Men den nye situasjonen har nå frembrakt denne muligheten som de utnytter.

Dette er en kommentar. Den gir uttrykk for skribentens analyser og meninger.

Jeg tror det er interessant også for VD's lesere her i Norge å gjøre seg kjent med de tankene de har om den nye situasjonen som har oppstått i landet sitt? Det synes klart at de står overfor et vendepunkt og må ta alvorlige valg i forhold til veien videre og hva de ønsker, og hvordan de skal nå sine mål.  Så her kommer linken til brevet:

Sakser litt herfra:

"The fact that, as a people, we have chosen to become actively involved in determining the direction of our nation is a public sign that our society has reached a new stage in its development. A planted seed grows gradually and organically, and evolves through stages of increasing strength until it attains to a state that is recognizably "mature"; human societies share this trait too. At a certain time, dissatisfaction grows within a population at being held back from full participation in the processes that steer the course of a country, and the desire for more responsibility to be ceded to the citizens becomes overwhelming. Set in this context, the events that have taken place in Egypt can be seen as a response to forces that are, in fact, drawing the entire human race towards greater maturity and interdependence. One indication that humanity is advancing in this direction is that aspects of conduct which did not seem out of place in an earlier age—behaviours that resulted in conflict, corruption, and inequality—are increasingly seen as incompatible with the values that underpin a just society. Over time, people everywhere are becoming bolder in rejecting the attitudes and systems that prevented their progress towards maturity"

Jeg vil ikke forstyrre skrivet mer med mine ord. God lesning.

Vennlig hilsen mette

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