
How does it feel, Doctor Prophet? (Drammen, Noruega)

Mr. Dionny Baez, a Venezuelan preacher and singer, based in Pennsylvania, has held his third meeting during this visit to Norway. Here are a few key words from the minutes I chose to watch Saturday night.

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What can I say, Mr. Baez? On the front of the book that you showed the audience last night, it said, 'Dr. Dionny Baez'. I am not sure what kind of doctor you are. Could you tell us a little bit about that honour, and who gave it to you?

In tonight's meeting you stated, repeatedly, something about you being a prophet. Are you sure you should use that title?

If so, how about your words about the Holy Spirit? Can you say and do just about anything you like (when being on a platform), just as long as your title is 'Prophet'?

You told the audience, the camera crew, the TV viewers, that God's spirit spoke to you. Whilst moving around on the stage, you found out that you ought to speak this: The Spirit told you that pastors watching, need to give 3650 kroner to the TV station. I am not sure if I understood you perfectly ... but it seemed like these were the reasons (apart from 'the Spirit told me') for giving:

- You were celebrating Mr. Hanvold

- People need to set the Kingdom of God first in their lives

Feel free to explain, have I understood you correctly or not?

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