
Storhaug knuser VL i Dagsnytt 18

VL's rapporter avslører total uvitenhet om hva den kristne Bibel sier og hva Koranen sier om tro, rase og kjønn.

Dette er en kommentar. Den gir uttrykk for skribentens analyser og meninger.

Wikipedia om giftermål på tvers av religioner:

Interfaith marriage in Islam, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic Law has different regulations on interfaith marriage, depending on which of the two spouses is Muslim.

It permits a Muslim man to marry up to four non-Muslim women from the People of the Book (that is, Christians and Jews) however some say this practice is no longer valid. In addition to this it is seen as "makrooh" (disliked) by Muslim scholars for Muslim men to marry outside the religion because th...e rightly guided Caliph, Umar, banned interfaith marriages for Muslim men. Furthermore, Quran verse 4:25 tells Muslims to marry Muslims.

Marriage of Muslim men to non-Muslim women
Islamic marriage rules between Muslim men and non-Muslim women are regulated by Islamic principles. There are restrictions to whom a Muslim man can marry. Muslim men are forbidden from marrying polytheist women. A polytheist woman would have to convert to Islam if she would want to get married to a Muslim man, according to Islamic principals.

Marriage of Muslim women to non-Muslim men
Muslim women are forbidden from marrying non-Muslim men according to Islamic law.

All major groups of Muslims have forbidden Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men. According to some, this prohibition serves to preserve the Islamic faith from dilution and expand it, within societies which are patriarchal but multi-faith. It effectively ensures that over many generations, providing that the society is patrilineal, Islam would naturally gain in adherents relative to other co-existing religions, through its ability to secure the adherence of all offspring from mixed marriages.

In effect, all children of any mixed-marriages involving Muslims are guaranteed to be raised as Muslim. This systemic method of expanding the Muslim community in any multi-religious society is assisted by the ability for Muslim men to marry more than one non-Muslim wife (a possibility usually not available to non-Muslim men) and therefore secure all of their offspring for the Islamic faith - provided that the society acknowledges a patrilineal religious system in which only the father's religion is passed down. There also exists a minority view that does permit women who have converted to Islam to remain with non-Muslim spouses as an exception to the general rule.[8] This minority view is however restricted to converted women only.


Ønsketenkinga i VL når stratofæriske høyder....

I islam er koblingen mellom Allah, koranen/hadith med ALTOMFATTANDE regler for hvordan mennesker skal leve på jorden som et tredelt laminat gjennomsaturert av epoxylim - ergo udelelig.

Under islam er der ikke et "sivilt rom", slik vi kjenner det fra Habermas og "venstrestaten". Et liv utenfor dar al islam (islams hus) er utenkelig (jf Sayeed Qutb, det islamske brorskap, IS, Al Qaida osv).

At VL ikke kjenner eller tar inn over seg hvor totalt forskjellige premissene Den kristne Bibel og Koranen gir for det enkelte menneskes livsutfoldelse, er ufattelig.

Jesus sa: Gi keiseren hva keiserens er, og Gud hva Guds er. I islam er statsmakten innstiftet av Allah, statsapparatet opptrer på vegner av Allah osv. Noe som har uhyggelige konsekvenser for alle avvikere i den islamske staten.

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