
Guds Land -Israel

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Den siste striden – kampen om Guds Land og Jerusalem.

Er det rett å dela Guds Land og oppretta ein palestinsk stat?
Dette er sjølve kjernestriden slik Bibelen beskriv det.
Guds Land skal ikkje delast.
Me ser no korleis både USA og EU pressar på for å få i stand ein palestinsk stat i Guds Land.

Olmert gjekk i utgangspunktet med på dette. Livni ville ikkje samarbeida med Netanyahu pga dette spørsmålet.

Det vert spennande å sjå kva kurs Netanyahu tek.
Presset om å få til ein palestinsk stat der Jerusalem (aust) vert hovudstad kjem berre til å tilta.

Då George Bush var i Jerusalem sist år fekk han dette brevet av Sanhedrin .
Det skildrar veldig tydeleg konfliktens kjerne.

"Esteemed Mr. George W. Bush, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal
(Ezekiel 38:1), leader of the west!

Upon your arrival in Jerusalem you have the ability to make a
declaration, as did Cyrus, King of Persia - whose memory is honored -
who in the year 538 BCE returned the exiled nations to their lands
and recognized the full right of the Jewish people to reestablish
their Holy Temple, the "house of prayer for all nations" (Isaiah
56:7), and called upon them to return to their land,

And in the manner of Lord James Balfour of England, who in 1917,
called upon the Jews to reestablish a national homeland in the Land
of Israel.

And thus if you truly desire peace and benevolence, and you would be
counted in the company of the truly righteous, we call upon you to
declare to all the world:

The Land of Israel was bequeathed to the nation of Israel by the
Creator of the world. Neither could I, as a son of my faith, nor the
Muslims according to their faith, ever take away even the slightest
grain from the Eternal's gift, which He gave to His people Israel,
the eternal people. Thus I call upon all the nations to save
themselves from certain doom, to return and recognize That this land
is the exclusive rightful inheritance of the people of Israel, as is
written in the Torah of Israel, which constitutes the very foundation
of our faith, as well as that of Islam; and is the basis for the
decisions of the community of nations. He who denies this truth
endangers all life on earth.

I shall dedicate all my strength and resources towards settling the
Jewish people throughout their entire land. I shall greatly encourage
and empower the Jews all over the world to rise up to the Land of
Israel and to settle it, to establish God's sanctuary in Jerusalem,
to distance strangers from it and thus, I believe, I will be making a
major contribution towards world peace.

I cannot simultaneously support the establishment of a foreign state
for an alien nation in the Land of Israel, and I will not lend my
hand to this wrong.

Or - Heaven forbid - you can choose the second option - to willfully
aid in the destruction, under the guise of peace!

You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and Assyria
and to all Israel's enemies from time immemorial: Do you imagine that
you will be able to save yourself if you have come to implement a
plan that intends to steal the land of "the people that survived the
sword" (Jeremiah 31:1), and to cut off those who survived the
Holocaust, to rob the land that was given to them by the Creator?

All of the peace treaties and initiatives which have been based upon
the decisions of the government of Israel, indeed the entire Oslo
process, and the 'Disengagement,' and the establishment of a
terrorist state within the Land of Israel known as 'Palestine' -
regrettably, all of these agreements are the result of a lack of
sufficient faith in the Divine promises that the Lord made to the
patriarchs of our nation, and all that is written in the Torah of
Israel. Understand this well: the nations of the world cannot excuse
their actions and their decisions on account of the weakness of
Israel and her government. God ordained that the role of the nations
of the world is to strengthen the nation of Israel. This will benefit
all humanity and bring about world peace, as the prophets have
foretold. I shall dedicate all my strength and resources towards settling the
Jewish people throughout their entire land. I shall greatly encourage
and empower the Jews all over the world to rise up to the Land of
Israel and to settle it, to establish God's sanctuary in Jerusalem,
to distance strangers from it and thus, I believe, I will be making a
major contribution towards world peace.

I cannot simultaneously support the establishment of a foreign state
for an alien nation in the Land of Israel, and I will not lend my
hand to this wrong.

Or - Heaven forbid - you can choose the second option - to willfully
aid in the destruction, under the guise of peace!

You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and Assyria
and to all Israel's enemies from time immemorial: Do you imagine that
you will be able to save yourself if you have come to implement a
plan that intends to steal the land of "the people that survived the
sword" (Jeremiah 31:1), and to cut off those who survived the
Holocaust, to rob the land that was given to them by the Creator?

All of the peace treaties and initiatives which have been based upon
the decisions of the government of Israel, indeed the entire Oslo
process, and the 'Disengagement,' and the establishment of a
terrorist state within the Land of Israel known as 'Palestine' -
regrettably, all of these agreements are the result of a lack of
sufficient faith in the Divine promises that the Lord made to the
patriarchs of our nation, and all that is written in the Torah of
Israel. Understand this well: the nations of the world cannot excuse
their actions and their decisions on account of the weakness of
Israel and her government. God ordained that the role of the nations
of the world is to strengthen the nation of Israel. This will benefit
all humanity and bring about world peace, as the prophets have

Do you imagine you can escape from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon, by offering up sacrifices of
the Jews who are slaughtered daily by their enemies who speak of
peace but live by the sword?

Upon your arrival in our land we would anticipate that you bring
Jonathan Pollard home with you. Bring him home to Israel. He is an
emissary of the State of Israel, and he acted on behalf of our
people. Authorize his immediate release while you are yet in
Jerusalem, before you return to the United States. This will be a
positive step that will build confidence.

Remember our forefather Abraham, who pursued the world's four
greatest kings in order to redeem his nephew from captivity. We
cannot forget the deeds of our patriarchs, whose example guides us
through every generation.

We are the loyal representatives of the Jewish people, the New Jewish
Congress, and its court of law, the Sanhedrin, as well as the Temple
and Temple Mount movements, but we merely reiterate herein what is
public knowledge.

No government in Israel and no representative of the Jewish people
has the power or right to alter, by even the slightest degree, our
covenant with God and the words of our holy Torah, which are
everlasting, as expressed by the prophets of Israel and even by the
wicked prophet Balaam: "Then he looked on Amalek, and uttered his
oracle, saying: 'First among the nations was Amalek, but its end is
to perish for ever' (Numbers 24:20). Thus any desire, plan or
agreement that challenges the eternal sovereignty and active
possession of the nation of Israel over her entire land is utterly
worthless, and has no basis in reality.

Therefore it behooves you to declare: "I, George Bush, Commander in
Chief of the armies of the United States of America, will instruct
all of my troops to protect the Divine rights of the nation of
Israel, and remove from her any threat."

Before you is a choice: You can merit to eternal life, or be
inscribed for eternal disgrace. Your fate and that of all those with
you hangs in the balance of the destiny of our land.

"and you shall choose life!" (Deut. 30:19).

In Sincere Supplication - In the name of the Jewish people

Rabbi A Even Yisrael Steinzaltz
The Sanhedrin

Dr. Gadi Eshel
The New Jewish Congress

Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Holy Temple and Temple Mount Movements"

Diverre har Skrifta sagt korleis det heile endar. Verdssamfunnet kjem ikkje til å akseptera Guds krav,men gå militært mot jødestaten.

"Eg vil samla alle folkeslaga til strid mot Jerusalem. Byen skal verta teken, husa plyndra og kvinnene tekne med vald. Halve byen skal førast bort i fangenskap, men resten av folket skal ikkje rydjast ut or byen.
3 Herren sjølv skal fara ut og strida mot desse folka som på stridens dag, den dagen han gjekk til kamp. 4 Den dagen skal han stå med føtene på Oljeberget, som ligg rett aust for Jerusalem. Og Oljeberget skal dela seg i to frå aust til vest, så det vert ein brei dal. Den eine halvparten av fjellet vik unna mot nord og den andre mot sør. 5 Dalen attmed fjellet mitt skal fyllast, for dalen mellom fjella skal nå heilt til Asal. Og de skal røma som de rømde for jordskjelvet i dei dagar Ussia var konge i Juda. Då skal Herren min Gud koma og alle heilage vera med han." Sakarja 14

Skjebnen til desse folkeslaga som på slutten går mot nasjonen Israel vert grusom.

"Dette er den plaga Herren vil senda over alle dei folka som går til strid mot Jerusalem:
Kjøtet skal rotna på dei
medan dei enno står på føtene.
Augo skal rotna i holene sine
og tunga rotna i munnen på dei." Sakarja 14,12

"Alle som vert att av alle dei folkeslag som dreg imot Jerusalem, skal år etter år fara opp og bøya seg og tilbe Kongen, Herren, Allhærs Gud, og høgtida lauvhyttehelga. 17 Men om ei av ættene på jorda ikkje fer opp til Jerusalem og tilbed Kongen, Herren, Allhærs Gud, skal det ikkje koma regn over henne. 18 Og om egyptarætta ikkje fer opp og ikkje kjem, skal det heller ikkje koma regn over henne, men derimot den plaga Herren lèt koma over dei folkeslaga som ikkje fer opp og høgtidar lauvhyttehelga. 19 Dette skal vera straffa for egyptarane og alle dei

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